eh! bkn skrg ni almost every week ke ade wdg??? hahaha...
tp bila time cuti skola je, mmg banyaaakkkk jemputan! ;)
oh ye! entry kali ni, nk share pd bakal2 pengantin kat luar sana kenapa korang kena pakai PB ni ms wdg korang?
haaa...instead of buying other corset yg xde health benefit, why don't korang invest for a 3 in 1 corset like PB?
Ada lifetime warranty lg ;)
WHY do you need PB?
1. You need to LOOK GOOD and FABULOUS on your big day of course! (you will be the center of attention)
-With PB, you will get the nice curve instantly to fit in well in your wedding dress and looking HOT!
2. After the wedding, you need to stay in shape for your hubby!
They will appreciate you me. sape yang taknak tgk wife cantik and pandai jaga body kan?
Another extra benefit, PB can help to improve your fertility. To those yg trying to conceive , mmg sgt2 sesuai.
During intimacy pon, both of you will feel the difference -- haha...saya x kawen laghik, tp ni dpt dr testi client sndiri ;)
3. After delivery, you will need a corset again! You can always wear PB during confinement, instead of buying a traditional "bengkung" yang kena berlilit lilit tuh.
All HOT moms should be wearing PB corset to get back in shape in shorter time! Rahim pon cepat kecut, luka2 dalam cepat sembuh, apa2 yg longgar boleh ketat balik, apa2 yg jatuh boleh naikkan balik! ;)
So, macamana? Terasa berbaloi tak kalo dptkan PB tu dr skrg??? kan?? ;)
Memang berbaloi2 ;)
For more info and details on product, call/text la saya ;)
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